Message provides tremendous therapeutic benefits. Scientific research shows that massage:
Massage compliments traditional health care by soothing a number of ailments:
Fascia is a connective tissue which spreads throughout the body in a three-dimensional web from head to foot without interruption. Trauma, posture, or inflammation can cause the fascia to become restricted and put excessive pressure on the bones, blood vessels, nerves, and organs. This may result in pain and/or lack of movement. Gentle pressure is applied to the areas that need releasing which allows the fascia to elongate and may provide more movement and freedom of your body. Myofascial Release can be done with a massage or in a session by itself.
Reiki (pronounced ‘ray-key’) promotes the awakening of the self-healing ability within you. This stimulates the body to open areas that are congested and may be causing discomfort and pain. Therefore, facilitating its own capacity to bring you balance and strength. Reiki can be done while you are fully clothed or can be part of your regular massage.